Nothing Is Lost


In this era when the number of consumer products available has exceeded the total number of species in nature, we have to ask ourselves just how far we should go in this reckless race of ceaselessly producing and buying goods. The trash we generate, our outmoded or broken gadgets, the water we waste - it is all thrown out into the environment after we have used it.

Far from being satisfied with managing the accumulation of electronic waste, most of which contain toxic materials that are harmful to the environment and human health, the ARCHITECTS OF CHANGE are undertaking projects to recycle what is left behind.

1. Fernando Nilo (Businessman and founder of Recycla, Chili)
2. Iftekhar Enayeyullah & Maqsood Sinha (Engineers who developed a project to transform garbage into compost, India)
3. Makoto Murase (Microbiologist known as Dr. Rainwater, Japan)
